Underdogs Cup 16
16th iteration of the Underdogs Cup, a TETR.IO tournament series for lower ranked players
Registration open | Sun, 08 Jan 2023 00:00 UTC 2 years 1 month ago |
Registration close | Sat, 14 Jan 2023 09:00 UTC 2 years 1 month ago |
Check-in open | Sun, 15 Jan 2023 20:00 UTC 2 years 1 month ago |
Check-in close | Sun, 15 Jan 2023 21:00 UTC 2 years 1 month ago |
Tournament start | Sun, 15 Jan 2023 21:10 UTC 2 years 1 month ago |
- 1 day tournament (can potentially run for 4+ hours depending on the number of players)
Double Elimination Bracket
- You must lose two matches in order to drop out of the tournament
- You will be placed in the loser's bracket once you lose for the first time
- The winner of the loser's bracket will be placed in the Grand Finals and must win twice in order to win the tournament (Bracket Reset)
- Matches are played with Tetra League settings, FT5/FT7 (first to 5/7) depending on the round (Refer to: Match Rules)
- Seeding will be done based on VS (versus score) after check-ins conclude
Prize Pool
Underdogs Cup's prize pool is distributed into the following categories:
- 1st Place - 40%
- 2nd Place - 25%
- 3rd Place - 15%
- 4th Place - 8%
- 5th/6th Place - 4% each
- 7th/8th Place - 2% each
- TETR.IO Supporter Raffle - 15%
- Production Value (Designers & Editors) - 10%
- Other Tournaments / Future Tournaments - 25%
If you are eligible for any of the following prizes, be sure to claim it on matcherino after the end of the tournament. Staff will give further instructions when needed.
Donate to the prize pool HERE.
Registration happens on the website. Please head over to the registration page available at the top of the page when registrations are open.
You are free to unregister at any point as long as registration is open. If you happen to violate any of the eligibility rules until the start of the tournament, you will be automatically unregistered. This includes leaving the Discord server.
Please head over to the Registration page, it contains all rules regarding eligibility.
In the rare case that the number of registrations surpasses the maximum bracket size of 512, additional players will be put on a waitlist, who will take the position of players that may drop.
Check-in will be open an hour before the tournament begins and will take place on this website. Once you're checked in, there's nothing left to do except to wait for an announcement that signals the start of the tournament.
Match Rules
For more detailed instructions on how to conduct a match, please refer to: Match Procedure
The Underdogs Cup Helper will change the username of a Discord user once they register or link their account. This is to ensure that all players can be easily found by simply mentioning/pinging them on the server.
Please give your opponent 10 minutes of time to respond to your initial message. If there has been no response after 10 minutes, then refer to No-Show.
If a player has left the server or does not respond to your initial message within 10 minutes, then please contact a staff member with your match number and your opponent. The match will be considered forfeited, and you will move on to the next round.
Room Settings
All matches before top 8 will be played with FT5 (first to 5 points). All matches after top 8 will be played with FT7 (first to 7 points).
The tournament will use Tetra League settings, which are:
- Gravity Margin Time: 3600 -> 7200
- Gravity Increase: 0.0025 -> 0.0035
Please use following chat commands to set the room settings for:
- Matches until top 8:
/set meta.match.ft=5;game.options.gincrease=0.0035;game.options.gmargin=7200
- Matches after top 8:
/set meta.match.ft=7;game.options.gincrease=0.0035;game.options.gmargin=7200
A selection of matches will be streamed at [Twitch]{:href="this.$config.urls.twitch"}. The stream will be live for the entire event. If your match has been selected for streaming, you will be notified. Please do not start a game and wait for staff instructions instead.
Spectators are allowed to join matches; however, spectators are advised to refrain from speaking in the lobby chat during matches. At any time, either player may request for spectators to be removed from the lobby.
Either player can request a warm-up set before the match begins. This will be a FT1 set, after which the match must begin.
Under the unfortunate circumstance that a player disconnects, the game (not the set) goes to the player that stays connected. A game officially starts when the first piece appears at the top of the board. Under the event that a player disconnects in between rounds or before the first round starts, no penalty will be given.
The connected player should screenshot the score screen to the other player. After reconnection, the set shall continue off of the previous score. This means deliberately topping out boards to reach the desired scores before continuing the match.
In the event that a player is unable to reconnect in a timely manner, the player will be forced to forfeit.
Either player is free to request a pause in chat should something come up. However, for fairness purposes, the other player is not obliged to accept the request and may continue playing. Due to this, please keep chat enabled.
Do not deliberately lower your rank or "smurf" into the eligible ranks. Staff will know, and you will be promptly disqualified.
Using an alt account is not allowed (as is also forbidden by the TETR.IO guidelines). Staff will know, and you will be disqualified.
The purpose of this tournament is to give a chance to lower-ranked players. Please keep this in mind and respect the rules.
There are consequences for smurfing and other forms of cheating. Smurfing may result in in-game punishments such as main account bans, as well as being blacklisted from any future Underdogs Cup tourneys.
Refrain from racist, sexist, xenophobic, or otherwise offensive or vulgar language.
Poor behavior (this includes BMing opponents and deliberately sandbagging) may result in disqualification if severe.
Exercise good sportsmanship and be respectful (slight banter is okay if both sides consent).
Abide by TETR.IO's community guidelines.
Twitch Chat
Especially due to the inclusive nature of this event, if you are watching the stream, please refrain from discouraging, bullying, or mocking the players involved. If you are found doing this, you will be muted or banned from the stream by staff.
Slight joking is okay, but keep it civil and respectful.